The Feast of St. Thomas is tomorrow and we think it's a great time to contemplate his question to Jesus, "How can we know the way?" In our situation, we are daily questioned on product, on trust and on faith. "How do you choose what to buy? How do you decide what companies to trust, what publishers to carry? Do you have faith in the economy, in the choices of our leaders? Well, let's face it, like you, we put our trust and our faith in Jesus, in the belief in the power of His Spirit. The Case for Jesus by Brant Pitre gives us all the evidence we need to know that He is real. He is here. We do not have to put our hands in his wounds to know because He Himself tells us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. If we take time with Him at Mass and in prayer, in study and by caring for and loving one another, we know the very thing that St. Thomas witnessed. We know that Jesus is with us in the day to day decisions. We know that like St Thomas, we too can say with all certainty, as the Eucharist is raised, "My Lord and My God." And it is in that trust, that faith, that belief in the power of the Holy Spirit, that we make decisions that effect others and just like you, we depend on good authors and faithful vendors as well as recommendations from customers and friends, but most importantly, we rely on prayer. On this weekend, we especially pray for the leaders of our country and for all those who defend our freedom. We pray through the intercession of St. Thomas, that we, God's people, put on hold all doubt, all skepticism, and seek together to find the Way, the Truth and the Life...our life, as one, in Jesus Christ.