Sunday, February 14, 2016

St. Valentine

Writings on St. Valentine usually begin, "Very little is known about this Saint". And yet, people all over the world celebrate this day every year, thinking about the ones they love and possibly marking the day with gifts of flowers or candy or dinner. Why? Could it be possible that a bishop in the Third Century was martyred because he believed in the sanctity of marriage? Could there have been a bishop who performed weddings for those in love despite the mandates of the Emperor Claudius? Claudius, constantly at war, was desperately in need of soldiers. He felt that men would never enlist if they feared having to leave a wife and family. So, he cancelled all marriages in hopes of strengthening his army. Valentine had to perform weddings in secret. He was determined to keep the Sacrament of Marriage, well, sacred. Captured and thrown in jail to be sentenced, could he have possibly had mercy on one of the Judge's daughters who were blind? Legends tell that Valentine prayed for God to heal the little girl then left a note that read, "your Valentine" before he was put to death.

I can certainly believe that there was and still are those who believe in love. The love of Christ. The love between two young people. The love of one man or one woman for others. And, I certainly believe that there was and still are those who believe in the journey of life and love, the struggle of the journey and the need to go against the grain of society. I certainly believe that even when our beliefs are tainted by laws there is still a basic good in man, there is still love and that good and that love is God. And I can certainly believe that there was once a man of God who believed in the power of love and the sacredness of Marriage and was willing to die for his beliefs, for his faithfulness, for love. All for love!

Happy St. Valentine's Day to all! We love our customers!

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