I cannot help but love the title of this book as well as the beautiful cover depicting many of the great Dominican Saints who by their preaching and their teaching and their example "enlighten and enflame the world". "For eight hundred years, the 'hounds of the Lord' have barked out Christ's message, saving countless souls and showing us how to live in the glory of God."
Author Kevin Vost tells a little of the life of each Saint but most importantly examines them as "thinkers, doers and lovers". I think the format of his writing is important, in that, many of the extreme penances of these Saints are difficult for us to relate to but their reasoning, their actions toward others and their intentions are things for which we can strive in our own lives. We are each made in the image and likeness of God and each called to "put on the mind of Christ" and to "go out to all the world" and preach the Good News of Salvation and to love one another. These Dominican Saints truly loved and their lives teach us how we too can love. These Dominican Saints were truly joyful as they served the Lord by serving others. The Hounds of the Lord is a beautiful glimpse inside the lives of souls on fire with the Spirit, of souls willing to carry that flame out and ignite the world, of souls whose energy and zeal for life is contagious. Consider reading this a little at a time on your own or, as I did, with a book club. Regardless, as you enjoy these Dominican Saints, "Let their example serve as inspiration, and (dare to) let loose the hound of the Lord within you."
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